Bean Stalk wants to be a presence that moms can count on to help give them peace of mind in raising their child. It does so by providing products whose high emphasis on quality make moms feel confident in choosing them, such as its powered milk that can be safely fed to babies when moms do not have enough breastmilk or are unable to breastfeed their child.
The brand’s name comes from the English folk tale “Jack and the Beanstalk,” in which Jack was told that if he planted magical bean seeds overnight, they would grow into a beanstalk that touched the sky by morning.
A total brand for infants and small children, Bean Stalk was created out of the hope that children grow up in good health—just like Jack’s beanstalk.

It is said that the 1,000-day period from when a baby enters the womb to the time it becomes 2 years of age ties in deeply to the lifelong health of that baby.
Bean Stalk knows that moms wish for nothing less than the healthy growth of their child, and is by their side as a presence that can be depended on every step of the way.